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Com a pesquisa focaliza-se o Espaço Estético, a partir de proposições tomadas pelo dramaturgo e teórico Augusto Boal, quanto às propriedades que o compõem: a plasticidade, a dicotomia e a dicotomização, e a tele-microscopicidade. O objeto é elucidar pressupostos e fundamentos das propriedades postas em consideração, para desencadear, reflexões sobre o espaço formal de educação. Assim, faz-se necessário adentrar o Espaço Estético e, entrando na intimidade do ser humano, na relação dialógica entre o pensar, o sentir e o ser. Traz-se à boca da cena o protagonista deste momento de busca por conhecimento, por compreensão, o que faz emergirem possibilidades para a constituição de um ser mais humanizado. Delineia-se um ser humano em processo de humanização, que o leva a ser reconhecido enquanto ser biossociocultural, ao mundo, que lhe forja a identidade terrena. Sujeito que se faz pelo corpo, numa vivência histórica de dominação, de produção de mitos, de inter-relações, de dependência, de produção de vida atrelada a um aprendizado ininterrupto. Sujeito em transição, ao qual o próprio devir leva a reconhecer a incerteza que comporta. Sujeito observador de si, que pode tomar consciência de suas ações, ser observado por outro e observa-lo e, uma vez reconhecido em sua singularidade, não temer a diferença. Sujeito que se educa na convivência e nela experimenta a validade do mundo e que terá que se voltar ao desenvolvimento da racionalidade aberta, que pode lhe propiciar uma reforma do pensamento. As elucidações teóricas trazem à cena o ser humano fundamentado na vontade, movido por desejos e necessidades e , cuja plasticidade, é atributo da mente - sua garantia adaptativa. Ser que dispõe da capacidade imaginativa, para enfrentar sua finitude, e uma vez que comporta o objetivo e o subjetivo, pode ocupar o espaço pela dimensão imaginária e pela dimensão física. Ser de existência aberta a constantes interpretações, faz-se confrontar constantemente com uma realidade que comporta o erro e a ilusão - que devem ser superados. Tem a seu favor a linguagem, que extrapola regras, ou símbolos transferíveis de indivíduos para indivíduos, que para a emergência da consciência e propicia. Todos esses aspectos fazem aumentar o incômodo já instaurado frente ao espaço do processo educativo formal, no qual nosso olhar vem se detendo há tempo. No Espaço Estético a relevância atribuída ao ser humano que o leva à boca de cena, mostra-o capaz de refletir sobre si e prosseguir em sua humanização. Isso em relação ao ser humano no espaço formal de educação, posto que aí não se assumem, ou não se reconhecem e legitimem, as transformações em sua corporeidade, geradas no ser humano no decorrer de seu processo evolutivo. Os indicativos levantados a partir das propriedades atribuídas ao Espaço Estético podem ser considerados pertinentes ao espaço da educação formal, desde que se considere o caráter plástico da mente humana, o ser humano como portador da subjetividade e da objetividade, assim como de memória e imaginação, que concorrem para melhor compreensão do erro e da ilusão. Tornam-se, frente a isso - desejar cotidiano - mais veementes algumas inquietações, sem desejar teatralizar o espaço educativo formal. Assim, pode-se perguntar se seria possível, no espaço de educação, compartilhar com artistas de teatro, as mesmas propriedades que são proporcionadas pelo espaço estético.


The present research leads our look into the Aesthetic Space upcoming from proposals taken by the dramatist and theoretician Augusto Boal regarding the properties that compose it: plasticity, dichotomy and dichotomization and telemicroscopicity. The intent is to elucidate presuppositions and basis of the properties taken in consideration in order to bring up reflections upon the formal space of education from such properties. In order to achieve that, it becomes necessary to enter the Aesthetic Space and, as we get into such space, we also get into the intimacy of the human being, in the dialogical relation among thinking, feeling and being. The protagonist of this moment of search for knowledge and attempt of understanding, which brings up feasible possibilities to the construction of a more humanized being is shown as a highlight. A human being in process of humanization is delineated, in a present evolutionary process of a complex humanity, which takes him to be recognized as a biosociocultural being, connected to society, to the world, to a wider system, which forges earthly identity to him. An individual, who is made up of a body - physical system - in a historical experience of domination, production of myths, inter-relations, of dependence and of production of life, connected to an uninterrupted learning. A subject in transition, whose own future leads to recognize the uncertainty that he holds - individual who makes his starting point out of himself. An individual who is led to be an observer of himself and who can take conscience of his actions, as well as allowing himself to be observed by other ones and also to observe the others and once recognized in his singularity, not to fear the difference, given that such difference don’t be perceived as a threat of self annulment. A subject who educates himself at coexisting and tries the worth of the world on himself – coexisting which brings with it the marks to be used in life and which not rarely will take him to attempt to go over them and in order to achieve it, will have to face the development of the open rationality, that can provide a reconstruction of thought. The theoretical elucidations approach the human being based on will, moved by desires and needs. A being whose actions denote the emotions that establish them. A being whose plasticity – which is loaned to the space which he composes – is an attribute of the mind - his guarantee of adaptation. A being that uses his imaginative capacity to face his finitude and once he holds both the objective and the subjective, is able to occupy the space for the imaginary dimension and for the physical dimension. A being of helpful existence to constant interpretations, which produce profit to his subjectivity, is constantly confronted with a reality, which can stand error and illusion – which must be overcome. Such being has the language that goes above rules, or symbols that are transferred from an individual to another - cooperates to the emergence of the conscience, provides living in consensus of behaviors on his behalf. Such fact has only increased the disturbance already established before another space: the one of formal educative process at which our look has been lingering for long. In the Aesthetic space, the relevance attributed to the human being – which takes him to be highlighted – reveals him as able to reflect about himself and to proceed in his humanization. And such fact does not identify with the human being shown in the space of formal education, given that body transforming occurred on the human being throughout its evolution process are neither assumed, nor recognized or legitimated. The evidence raised from the properties attributed to the Aesthetic Space are considered as pertinent to the space of formal education from the moment the plastic characteristic of human mind is considered – the human being as the carrier of its own subjectivity and objectivity, as well as of its memory and imagination, which gather for a better comprehension of error and illusion, in which an individual may incur. Due to such facts – once the intent initially aimed would be the one of creating reflections – some disturbances become more intense, not aiming to turn the formal educative space into a theater play in the way it is used currently. The space situated in contemporary society, in which human beings are educated formally, insists on going to a different direction than it is given to knowing what is relevant to the human being who is educated in such space. Aiming to cooperate with socialization, it seems to be moving away from cooperating to the umanization of the human being to be educated. Is it possible to drink from the same fountain as those who develop the art on stage in order to develop the art of life in the space of formal education?